I have further observed battle, and there is a Major problem. I have just lost a battle due to enemy destroyed ships still firing on me and my ships firing on destroyed ships thus causing no damage while I am taking some from same destroyed ship. And I have proof!
Here is the setup: I have 2 ships as follows

Enemy Altarian has 3 ships as follows:

On the very first opening shot I destroy "Point of light", so far so good. It's 2 vs 2

Later on in the battle we are down to 1vs1 as shown below. Notice how many ships are in screen and how many are darkened in the upper corners.

Now, watch were I get totally screwed. In the next shot taken 2 seconds later, notice how many enemy ships are non screen.

Here is another angle, showing both ships, and damage log shows 2 ships firing on me, while upper right corner shows only one ship remaining for altarians.

And Finally, the battle report... Notice how miraculously a second Altarian ship has risen from the dead. Notice also the Altarian fleet's total HP of 91 and the damage I dealt to their fleet being 137. Who took the missing 46 damage? (137-93=46). I went over the entire battle log, here is what I found. The second ship, 'Cutting Principle' never resgisters as "destroyed" in the log, even though HP was at 0 for roughly half the battle. Conclusion, I was shooting at a ghost ship dealing no damage, but was taking damage from said ghost ship. See screenshots below.

At this point, I most definitely would like an explanation from the developers as to how this could happen?