I found a bug/exploit when my survey ship had a drone module. When I used the short-range missile attack, I got two drones added to my fleet. This continued until I made a normal attack, then they all vanished. After that, I still got two drones added each time I used the short-range missile attack. I already posted on Discord a link to a save showing this. Derek indicated he was already checking it out. I'm just putting this here so it is less likely to get lost. It case anyone else wants the save, here is the link.
I'm playing as the Festron. I think I've had all the events that allow me get other races on my planets. I've built all the special buildings on my home planet to get those races there. I wanted to see how long they lasted as non-Festron. Some seem to have changed very quickly while others haven't changed. I don't know what determines the speed of the change, but it has caused some interesting problems with those that are still non-Festron. They hate being on a planet with one Festron, so imagine how they feel about being on a planet that has a lot of Festron and keeps getting more Festron and fewer non-Festron. It has also helped in some ways when some individuals changed from what they were to Festron. I found that sentient plants (Baratak Grove) can be changed to Festron. I wonder if plants should be immune like the Yor and Onyx Hive.
All these extra beings of all kinds are causing trouble because my home planet is now full. I won't be taking in so many in future games, but this time has been great for learning more about the Festron. It's time to start colonizing more planets. I wonder if I should colonize with Festron or non-Festron.
It took a while for me to find another race in my sector, but I finally found the Altarians. That allowed me to research the Universal Translator, which I did after doing other research. After I did research it, the Altarians initiated a trade. This was just like in 0.45. What was different this time was that the Universal Translator was not on the list of techs I could trade to them. This means they had already researched it, so that bug from 0.45 has definitely been fixed.
The Altarians still aren't doing much. I met them when I met their survey ship. When I got to the vicinity of their home system, they hadn't expanded. I don't see how they could have missed a star system very close to them with two excellent precursor planets that don't seem to need any special tech to colonize.

Why haven't they expanded? I guess I was too impatient. They have colonized two worlds, but they weren't the precursor worlds, so I colonized them. They aren't doing very well.