The game options game pacing and difficulty affect your movement speed. Also, there is a 50% movement bonus inside your territory.
- You mentioned you're not getting the movement speed from research, but I see subspace streaming, starship refits, artificial gravity, interstellar cartography, and hyperdrive optimization so it appears you are. These add up to +4 moves + 25% movement cap
- Game Pacing is set to the slowest so giving you a 50% movement penalty.
- The minister of exploration is giving you +2 movement.
- The base movement of a cruiser is 3
- Finally I believe the Base Speed is the benefit for being inside your territory.
Based on your explanation everything checks out. Adding it all together is (3 cruiser + 1 subspace streaming + 1 artificial gravity + 1 interstellar cartography + 1 hyperdrive optimization + 2 minister) * (1 + (50% base speed - 50% game pacing + 25% starship refits) = 9 * (1 + .25) = 11.25
If you move out of your territory you will have 6.75 movement on this ship. So I'm not seeing anything that could be a bug.
Let me know if you have any suggestions, but it all appears to be working as designed.