Expansion pass from Epic only showing soundtrack, none of the other released titles.
Hiya, looking at the Epic store page for the GC4 Expansion Pass I see pictures of all the DLCs underneath the soundtrack image. Furthermore the DLCs are listed in text. Did you mean something else then the store page ?
No I've brought the Expansion ~Pass, but it's only installed the soundtrack.
If you explore the Addons for Galactic Civilization IV Supernova does it show that you have them when you click on say Warlords ?
No its only showing the upgrade to Supernova in add-ons.
Ahh, so you still only have the base version of GC4 and not Supernova ? That's probably why you don't see the expansions since they are for the Supernova edition only.
No, I have upgraded to supernova. As I said, I have and is installed the GC IV to Supernova. The Game in the library says Supernova.
Are you sure you bought the entire expansion pass and not just the soundtrack DLC ? What does your receipt says ?
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