Gross income : $271.38
Trade Route : 58.23
Taxes (paid by citizens to me I assume) : 33%
Expenses : $122.77
Now from my math this comes out to a large positive number Excluding the Tax income I should have an income of $206.84 minimum and taxes makes much more.
Instead I have an income of -14.00. EXCUSE ME but how does that number come about????
The tax is not " income" it is the % of the total Civilization GDP you get as leader.
The math is Gross income + Trade route x Tax - expenses =
271.38+58.23=329.61x0.33=109.87-122.77= -13.10 Rounded up =-14.00
My math may be off as I did it in my head not on paper or Calculator and would think the deficit would be 13.00 as 13.10 being less than .50 by math rules it should be rounded down.
So, disregarding the rounding question the game is correct you have an income of -14.00