After looking at all of the traits that are available under all of the Ideologies on the Cultural Progression screen, it appears that every one of them is intended to benefit the player - all of them except for the Independence trait under the Individualism Ideology.
As shown in the first screen snapshot below, the text for the Independence trait says" 15% increase to Supply Attrition from colonies". An INCREASE to Supply Attrition would be a negative for the player so I thought it was an error in the text, but when I acquired the trait I found that the description was correct.
The second screen snapshot shows that the Supply Attrition for one of my planets named "Arahael I" was 77% before acquiring the Independence trait and the third screen snapshot shows that the Supply Attrition increased to 87% (that is not a 15% increase, but I am not going to argue the math here).
Why would you have a trait that you spend culture points on that hurts the player? Was it your intention to DECREASE Supply Attrition?