The game requires way too much in the way of GPU usage (2D or 3D). When I play a game, I like to sometimes stream some Netflix shows instead of Spotify. The video stream gets very choppy and lags behind the sound stream. GalCiv4 is the only game that creates this adverse situation. Stellaris doesn't even come close.
As you can see in the screen shots, I am playing the game with the following equipment:
CPU: Intel i9-13900K
RAM: 192 GB
SSD: Western Digital SN850X (1TB)
My temps are not an issue. I use a Corsair 240 mm AIO and 10x Corsair ML1230 RGB Elite fans.
This is a screenshot of my game after I simply open the game.

This is the usage tracking. On the left of the image is the GPU usage upon opening the game to the screen above. The middle of the image shows GPU usage after loading the video options menu. You'll see that as soon as I close the options menu, the GPU usage rockets back up to 93%+. I have even moved the map at all, and there are hardly any items to draw in the above screen.

This image shows my graphics options (chosen and not chosen).