Again: Galactic Civilizations IV, the base game, was released in May 2022. That's over a year ago. You bought that game. That game has been updated many times and will continue to be updated.
You exchanged money for a product and received your product. GalCiv IV, base game is completed. It's not in early access.
You got a discount on the early access of GalCiv IV. GalCiv IV, on Epic, went up to $49.99 after release. You got it for $39.99 for joining the early access for it pre-May 2022.
You with me so far?
Just in case because we don't seem to be on the same wave length here:
You already got what you paid for. You are not entitled to anything beyond that original product after it left early access in May 2022.
Despite that, we have continued to update and support GalCiv IV (the base game on Epic). We have major updates coming to the base game later this year.
Now what about Supernova?
Now, it's September 2023. The first expansion pack for Galactic Civilizations IV is coming out. It's called GalCiv IV: Supernova.
On Epic, you can get that for $14.99. That's a lot less than a normal expansion pack ($29.99 -- the amount we charged for GalCiv III: Crusade when it first launched). In fact, in 30 years of Stardock, we have never released an expansion pack of this magnitude for less than $19.99. Even GalCiv I: Altarian Prophecy was $19.99 back in 2004 dollars.
On Steam, GalCiv IV base game is not being released. The stand-alone base game will remain only on Epic. Instead, on Steam is the base game + Supernova combined together. That game will be $49.99 when it is completed.
So the base game ($39.99) + the expansion ($14.99) is about $55. Or $5.00 more than the bundle even though the bundle is coming out a year and a half later. That is a tremendously good deal for those who bought the Epic game.
I used to look up to you. I bought Galciv 2 to my friend so we can play together.
Sure you did. GalCiv II was single player.
Next year, around this time, there will be ANOTHER expansion pack released for GalCiv IV. And it too, when bundled with GalCiv IV + Supernova + FutureExpansion will cost less than if you had bought GalCiv IV and then Supernova and the new expansion separately. Just like every other game out there.
BUNDLES are cheaper than the individual game. No one made a pricing mistake.
When people talk about gamer entitlement, this is what they mean.
The only possible options here are:
A. You don't realize that GalCiv IV, on Epic, the base game, is not in early access and was released a year and a half ago.
B. You believe you are simply entitled to Supernova bought the base game a couple years ago and feel entitled to it.
C. You believe that the upgrade price on Supernova should be equal to or less than the bundled price. Now if this is the case, I just disagree with you. Bundles are always cheaper. There's no "greed" involved. Insulting me for this is uncalled for. You can even switch over and get a Steam key for Supernova for $14.99 right now I believe.
I am still hoping it's option A. If it's B, that you think you should just get stuff for free, then we have nothing more to discuss. If it's C, then we'll have to agree to disagree. The bundle is only $5 less than the cost for buying the original in early access + the expansion. That's a great deal.