This is an idea I've been toying with for quite some time. It is to allow players to design starbases kinda like how you design ships. The problem is I think starbases do poorly when they have to defend themselves. Many times the modules don't do enough for defense and are expensive to build.
An example. An avenger (tier 2 missile weapon) does 6 damage and costs 8 to build. A harpoon salvo (starbase module) does 4 damage and costs 1 module and 2 antimatter. A starbase module costs 40 points to build at a shipyard. So you pay more but get less. On top of that, ship modules have the added advantage of being able to mounted to the same ship multiple times.
So basically, I want to be able to:
Add multiple weapon and defense components of the same type.
Increase hull size for more space and hit points.
Add multiple starbase modules (such as increased planet production or military modules).
The ability to mix different types of starbase modules, such as making a starbase with a mix of military and economic starbase modules.