Compilation of some bug I have see in the game.
(Not my native language dont be rude with me ^^)
- All "exp" bonus dont work. (Bonus from artifact, bonus from ability, bonus on commander ship, veteran, double exp from autorithy, bonus from the warforged building etc)
- All ship from Krynn dont get any influence bonus, and we dont see the radius effect of the ship.
- Flagship from Torian dont give influence bonus at all world.
- The ship of human who give "+10% approval" dont work.
- Emporium faction dont reduce the price at market.
- Paranoid dont give drone who protect world.
- In equality, representation dont give influence on colonies.
- Some snathi part of ship in designer crash the game.
- Colony upgrade, colony beacon who give +3 influence dont work.
- Ressource extraction ressource tech: "shipyard decay -33%".
- Cybernetic ability do nothing.