Title: [UI and mission]: UI annoying bug and Dread Fleet Mission Bugs
Body: Hello, UI bug here. When a shipyard gets destroyed, "Replay battle UI" text blocks click on the re-built yard. The only way to get into the shipyard is via Planet interface UA, by clicking on a small shipyard icon on the planet interface.
Version: 0.99
Details: Sol Yard was destroyed and can't click on it. Dread Fleet mission wont finish, as one of the Dread Ship was killed by a Starbase when it was attacked.
How to reproduce: Load the game and click on Sol Yard. Check mission for Dread Fleet. It says 2/3 destroyed, but last Dread Ship was killed when attacking a my starbase.
Files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mSibyKxqBG0dv38ekoyAJNLDxg9AC1Qs/view?usp=sharing