based on what people have done in the past, i'm guessing there's going to be some really good custom ships coming out for stuff like star wars and star trek etc... while star trek is prob more known for med and large type hull stuff... and huge cubes... star wars' x-wings and tie fighters have always been big fan favorites, so i wanted to throw out a couple custom civs that are specifically designed to buff up the x-wing and tie fighter size ships, and make them a better, more useful ship for the entire game, as well as follow the basic tactics of the jedi and sith... right now with how targeting works lots of smaller ships do have an advantage, but once things even out a little more these civs will be less op...
1. Sith Empire: Wealthy and War Profiteer abilities. Authority tree. Iridium citizens and copied from corporate sector civ for the factions and high wealth starting planets.
War Profiteer policy gives all ships +25hp, making all those tiny tie fighters much more useful. the trade bonus from waring civs really gives the sith a reason to try to make other civs go to war... seems like something the sith would do 
Wealthy not only gives lots of early cash for all the leaders u need, but it also has a +200% growth rate policy, so it's really good for early and late growth and grabbing lots of early planets and resources.
Authority tree is good, and gives lots of extra stuff with tiny ships, ie. tie fighters that have +25hp
including transport protectors, perfect for an offensive, evil civ. Iridium citizens get happier the more wealth u have, enhanced by both the wealthy and war profiteer abilities.
2. Jedi Republic. Certain and Hive Mind abilities, Tradition tree, alterian citizens so they can be turned into divine empaths.
"Certain" gives bonuses to influence beyond the homeworld, so it's good for helping to expand influence, which is the jedi's main tactic for expansion past colonization.
Hive Mind gives each ship u have an hp bonus while in your territory depending on how many planets u control. so the larger the republic gets, the better pilots they can find, and the better their ships will all be. this means that tiny x-wings will get more and more powerful in your expanding influence territory the later the game goes on as you control more and more worlds and find the best pilots for them 
Tradition tree gives influence bonuses to every starbase u have. small bonus, but still this tree will help you culturally take over other planets.
this gives the republic a defensive tactic that allows them to sit back and guard their territory while the influencing jedi convince others to join their side. prob max out persuasion too just to see if it helps 
I just threw in some of the basics here, still lots of ways to customize these civs how you want to with diff starting commander ships and traits and such. hope u all enjoyed! have fun!