So you've climbed out of the primordial soup, wore a tie for a few millions years and now you're ready to take on the stars eh? Oh, you've conquered the energy return paradox of supralight travel, you've gene preened your civilization to adapt to the poisonous vacuum of space and threw your head back with a maniacal laugh as the C-beams glittered before you and fell silent - you thought you'd seen it all.... well get ready for your biggest challenge yet, Mr/Mrs Futurepants - __putting people in boxes and lowering them to the surface of a planet so they can do an invasion of it__
Doesn't this seem weird? I'm piping firey white hot death all over this map, i am all the scunion, but oops woah now *handbrake sound effect* we're gonna need to do some basic drivers ed 101 here kids. First you gonna need a license for that transport. Then you gonna need a license for that citizen. Then you gotta put em on the invasion wagon and then...
I get that it's meant to indicate to the orchestration AI that you're into that whole invasion thing or it's just meant to be a "another barrier [tm]" but i don't mean galciv specifically i mean generally, this is a common scifi 4x trope, and it is a bit anachronistic isn't it? I mean sure somebody at some point had to have a meeting to discuss how they were going to invade their neighbours cave but it didn't take 5 years and it feels out of sync with the scale of everything else, by the time you're invading enemies planets you are pretty much a pro, I wonder if there's a better way to articulate this change in epoch or workflow because from the discussions i've had with the team they seems pretty adamant about reducing unnecessary drudgery in the game, and spending 5 turns at mid game to get these techs is at least an hour, unless you just force end each turn because you hate your people you monster. Bit frustrating, not painfully - but i'm sure it'll confuse a newb - and because its odd it made me think about why we do this particular dance at all in the 4x games. Also the random tech thing is not helping this make more sense i'll end up with invasion but then i'll find out the tech i need for training people to be soldiers isn't done and i have to shuffle the deck several times to get it, shouldn't earlier techs be higher probability than later techs? or at least those that don't work without earlier techs should barge their way in before the later tech does.
Also when trying to populate the transports if you don't have that earlier soldiering tech there's no error it just does nothing like no handler exists for that case (have later tech but not earlier tech) . I realised it might be "Yet Another Lock" so checked to see if there was a soldier work type you can assign civs and sure enough there is, but i didn't have it, so i had to try to find it. eventually found it at the start of a block planetary invasion is in. Looked like i had all the techs after it but not this one, probably because i traded it from a spooky alien earlier in the game.
This brings me back to something else I mentioned a couple weeks ago you may need to check - I think if you trade in a tech from another player it might set the watermark for the selection criterion for your tech random selector from the highest known tech in a tree branch rather than just remaining unknown techs, because i don't see those techs coming in normally after you've gone higher. It's anecdotal as i haven't done a full repro but it kinda fits.
I see we've also nerfed survey XP so after 170 turns i haven't had a single ship upgrade lol. Don't do things by halves do ya I really loved upgrading my little ships, it gave me a weird unexplainable buzz, i think because 4x is REALLY dry an experience, a cerebral orchestra of a million abstract excel spreadsheet cells, so to break that up with little puffs of organic win magic "kaching, upgrade yr little spacemans yay!" really works well. I keep forgetting the working title of this game is NO FUN! so i can mod that back in it's fine