You misunderstand me, sir. Its not like we dont like tactical combat in general. Otherwise i wouldnt have spent like 200 hours in Pathfinder kingmaker. But there is a difference between having tactical combat with (relatively) generic ships every round, which are, for the most part made to be disposable, or tactical combat with characters which are distinct from one another and which you formed an attachment to. (Crpgs, Xcom etc.)
Yes - tactical combat, even with generic units, would be infinitely more appealing if the units involved had special abilities and options to chose from (Age of Wonders for instance, or kings bounty) - but implementing this in the remaining months would be an immense undertaking. Unless you are willing to pay the developers for an extra year, i dont see how we can get that. And this game isnt made for that to begin with.
@imperious leader & others
That said - i think, not the actual "how missiles and CWIS" work within the confines of the automatic battle" is my issue with the game as it is, but the question ( or illusion) of agency, that I need to be invested in that battle. A smarter man than me once said: a well designed game ist just a chain of interesting decisions.
This is why i said we should have a battle planner before the actual battle. It literally could be just a screen with some pretty animations. Select your parts of the fleet, maybe use a leader ability, tell them how to conduct themselves in battle, tell them that "England confides that every man will do his duty" and send them off to pew pew each other.
I think this is something that we can realistically achieve - and it would go a looong way for me.
To remind us all:
"There is quite a bit more depth with both ship-to-ship combat and invasions. For this reason, combat doesn’t necessarily conclude in a single turn
In previous Galactic Civilizations games, combat and invasions always finished in a single turn no matter how many ships or soldiers were involved. Now, the number of turns it takes to complete a battle or an invasion depends on the forces that are involved."
This passage from the GalCiv4 FAQ, and the promise that it holds, is the main reason why I decided to take a risk on this game and bought early access, something that I abhor from normally. I have GalCiv 2 and 3 - that would have been enough, if not for this prospect. The new Leader system was a draw - but THIS was the tipping point for me.
In times like Warcraft 3 reforged and Cyberpunk, people should stop trusting developers with their money until the product is actually out.
However, i do trust stardock, bcs not only are they clearly passionate about this series, they are also, as far as i can tell, not under the heel of some publisher.
the ship combat as it is now however, falls short on that promise IMHO, using all your move points to fire generic missiles before a battle just isnt enough.