SSStreetfigher, I assume you are replying to the "population growing too fast" issue. Seems the problem isn't that the pop is growing too fast. Rather it is that we run out of planets. I can't find planets to colonize now, and my planets are full of population. But Earth isn't. I have about 12 pop, with a max of 23 and it takes 33 turns to gain one pop on Earth. Similar issues on my other early core worlds.
On my current game, by the time I explored my first new sector, the Torians had colonized most (damn near all) of the planets. I got a few planets from a diplomat with the "planets more likely to defect to you" trait. But that doesn't let me colonize any so it doesn't help me get colonization dialogs to get ideology points. Same with the subsequent expansion by culture.
Every sector I've gotten to in this game is already nearly completely colonized--just a few planets left that give hardly any of the 5 resources/traits (mfg, research, food, money, influence.) In fact, I've found a couple that were "0" for all of them, but was still colonizable!
Now in my home sector, the darn Minots were there and took over half of it. Recently one of their planets flipped to me as a core world, and I definitely didn't have that "planet defector diplomat" with them, So i don't know why, but they are eating up all my food and I don't know how to get rid of them. But the planet has Precursor Nanites, which I need VERY badly. So i don't know what to do,. I sent one pop out on a contructor.