The bug that doesn't add a weapon to a survey ship when certain anomalies are surveyed still exists. It was reported as fixed in 0.50, but it wasn't. I made a post here about it. It includes a save that reproduces the bug.
The quests from minor races are partially broken. I finished quests from several minor races. In most of the cases, I chose to get a resource every week from them. In all of those cases I didn't get any of the resource. In another case I agreed to do some research for them, which was supposed to unlock the Kaxx Cryptography tech for me to research. That tech never appeared. I did some checking in the events xml files and found it spelled two different ways. Some have it spelled cryptography, and some have it spelled crytography. Notice the missing "p". Maybe that is the problem with the tech.
After talking to a minor race and getting the quest, I can talk to them again and get the quest again. After completing the quest again, I can make the same choice to get the resource again or choose a different choice. I was able to do several of them twice before I won the game.
Maybe add "as you" between "people" and "face".
There is a Prestige ideology and a Prestige victory.

The same name for two different things might cause confusion.
The Prestige Victory happens very quickly. I won at week 185. When I realized I was well on the way to the victory, I checked to see what was needed and concentrated on trying to get the victory.

Maybe it should take more to get the victory or some things should conbtribute less to getting the victory.
I got subspace streaming and went to a new sector. I quickly met a race there. The next turn they offered me credits to declare war on one of the other races in my sector. How did they know about them so soon? None of them could travel across the streams. I think race 1 needs to have already met race 2 before asking me to declare war on race 2.
The Iconian Refuge and Krynn Syndicate are friendly because I am outside their traveling range, which gives a + + +. However, they are both in my starting sector, and they both have sent freighters to me to start trade routes. How can I be outside their traveling range?
Xeloxi are criminals and produce crime, but they complain there is too much crime.

It seems odd to me.
I'm still getting this error. I thought it had been fixed.