[Humor] Have you ever wondered why a universe teeming with life, (some sentient, some perhaps intelligent enough to stop using 'rationalizations' to justify doing stupid things) doesn't make an obvious undeniable public meet and greet with us earthlings (Terraites)? Think of the original movie 'Day the Earth stood still' style meet and greet. Why? Because, unbeknownst to us, we humans are on a protected galactic reservation - nature preserve. Ours is similar to the aboriginal tribes in that area of the Amazon Rain Forest: controlled access. Now all the saucers who fly by and startle some of us humans are really teenagers from Galactic society buzzing us, 'mooning us' if you will. Or maybe all the 'probing' is part of one of their frat hazing projects?
[Seriously] The very evolutionary biology/sociology forces that have catapulted us to dominance in Terra's biosphere are the very same forces that will probably enable us, as a species, to rationalize the continued unbridled consumption / destruction of our planet's ability to sustain us. Assuming, of course, that all our drilling, mining, and chopping down whole mountains for building materials,doesn't poke enough holes in the mantle - increasing magma migration to the surface. Or... adding all the energy to the troposphere doesn't put our weather on steroids to the point we cannot safely go outside. Or... never mind. As long as we are able to rationalize treating some other humans as objects to be used, this will continue to its very end. Welcome to Midden Planet. Terra is just a larger Easter Island waiting to happen. Earth is still the Planet of the Apes...
[Disclaimer] IMHO Be afraid, be very afraid.